Really Spicy Opera is proud to present a historic revival of André Modest Grétry’s 1781 opera Émilie, ou la belle esclave as the centerpiece of its January 2020 tour of France. This opera, originally commissioned by Marie Antoinette for a private performance, was repurposed to support French fundraising in support for the American Revolution. Its stirring music and vibrant chamber dramatics showcase the skills that made Grétry into Mozart’s favorite opera composer – and show how Marie Antoinette took an active role in steering the development of French opera.
For more insight into project, check out the January 2020 posts in our archives section, here. You can also follow our adventure on Facebook, and Instagram.

Émilie and her family are captured by pirates. Bainval offers to free Émilie and her mother – but only if she marries him and forsakes her lover Dorville forever. Which will win in this impossible situation – love or freedom?
Émilie et sa famille sont capturées par des pirates. Bainval propose de libérer Émilie et sa mère – mais il demand qu’elle l’épouse et aussi abandonne son amant Dorville. Qui triomphera de cette situation impossible – l’amour, or la liberté?
Performance and Lecture: Fondation des États-Unis

When / Quand:
Thursday/Jeudi 16 Janvier 2020 @ 7:30 PM
What / Que:
A complete performance of the 1-act opera Émilie, ou la belle esclave, written by André Modest Grétry. Grétry was France’s most prominent opera composer of his day and Marie Antoinette’s private music teacher. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart modeled many musical aspects of The Marriage of Figaro and The Abduction from the Seraglio on Grétry’s writing.

Includes a pre-performance lecture on Marie Antoinette’s important role in the evolution of French opera.
Presented in French with bilingual (English-Français) supertitles.
Where / Où:
Grand Salon
Fondation des États-Unis
15 Boulevard Jourdan, 75014 Paris, France
(RER B, “Cité Universitaire” stop)
More Information / Plus Information:
Fondation des États-Unis: Event website
Facebook event
Cost / Prix:
Free / Libre
Presented in French with bilingual (English-French) supertitles. / Presenté en français avec les surtitres bilingue (Anglais-Français).

Lecture-Performance: Bibliothèque Nationale de Paris–Mitterand
When / Quand:
Friday/Vendredi 17 Janvier 2020 @ 7:30 PM
What / Que:
A lecture performance introducing the music and plot 1-act opera Émilie, ou la belle esclave, written by André Modest Grétry. Grétry was France’s most prominent opera composer of his day and Marie Antoinette’s private music teacher. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart modeled many musical aspects of The Marriage of Figaro and The Abduction from the Seraglio on Grétry’s writing.
Includes a detailed discussion of the opera, its place in Grétry’s work, and how it illuminates Grétry’s influence on Mozart. Includes live musical demonstrations and the complete 15-minute finale of the opera.
Lecture sur la musique et histoire de l’opéra Émilie, ou la belle esclave d’André Modest Grétry, apogée d’une performance de sa finale. Le compositeur était le plus fameux des compositeur d’opéra français, et aussi le professeur de musique de Marie Antoinette. Pas moins que Mozart était inspirer par Grétry, utilisait ses modèles pour Le mariage de Figaro et L’Enlèvement au sérail.
Presented in French with bilingual (English-French) supertitles. / Presenté en français avec les surtitres bilingue (Anglais-Français).
Where / Où:
Bibliothèque Nationale–François Mitterand
Quai François Mauriac, 75706 Paris, France
(Metro Line 14, MK2-Bibliothèque stop)
Cost / Prix:
Cast (in order of appearance)
- Bainval: Rodolfo Nieto
- Aly: Steven Halloin
- Émilie: Victoria Erickson
- Émilie cover: Brooke Wahlstrom
- Dorville: Thore Dosdall
- Orphise: Shelley Mihm
Creative Team
Stage Director: Elissa Edwards
Music Director: Basil Considine
Assistant Music Director: Geraldine Anello
Tour Manager: Deborah Ervin
PR Manager: Kaylie Falk