Really Spicy Opera administers several named awards honoring various individuals:
- Charles Ray Considine Memorial Fellowship
- Charles Ray Considine was a lifelong connoisseur and supporter of the arts, who counted as some of his happiest memories singing with the San Francisco Opera Chorus.
- 2022 Recipient: Megan Cohen
- Liliana Considine Memorial Fellowship
- Liliana Considine was a competitive runner, gymnast, and nurse.
- 2022 Recipient: Caroline Cao
- Thalia Kelly Considine Memorial Fellowship
- A long-time university faculty member at San Diego State University, Thalia Kelly Considine was a master of problem solving, and a strong believer in fundamental hospitality.
- 2022 Recipient: Marianna Mott Newirth
- Thalia Graham Kelly Memorial Fellowship
- A gifted artist and philanthropist, Thalia Graham Kelly was a noted San Diegan poet and painter who believed strongly in civic leadership and community building.
- 2022 Recipient: Susan Bradley Smith
- 2023 Recipient: Alize Francheska Rozynai
- Philip Gossett Memorial Fellowship
- One of the most influential opera scholars of the 20th century, Dr. Philip Gossett oversaw the Complete Rossini Edition and was a beloved mentor to several generations of music students.
- 2022 Recipient: Marianna Mott Newirth
- Mildred Look Fellowship
- 2022 Recipient: Ellen Denham
- Donald Look Memorial Fellowship
- A cornerstone of the Honolulu business community, Donald Look was an avid believer in continuous self-improvement.
- 2022 Recipient: Rylan Leo Helmuth
- James Winn Memorial Fellowship
- A noted scholar of John Dryden and the relationship between music and poetry, Dr. James Winn was a beloved professor of English, administrator, and mentor to countless doctoral students. As a flautist, he embodied the musically vivacious spirit of the historical figures that he studied.
- 2022 Recipient: Sean Spicer
- 2023 Recipient: Susan Bradley Smith