
“The Tragic Tale of Eddard Stark: A Puppet Pantomime Frace” from Game of Thrones: The Musical

Quartet: “Portraits” from The Clever Artifice of Harriet and Margaret by Leanna Kirchoff

Starring Victoria Erickson as Maggie, Shelley Marie Mihm as Margaret, Megan O’Leary as Harriet, and Victoria Seiffert Temiz as Hettie. With Banchinda Laothai, piano.

Quartet: “The Ballad of Good Women” from The Clever Artifice of Harriet and Margaret by Leanna Kirchoff

Starring Victoria Erickson as Maggie, Shelley Marie Mihm as Margaret, Megan O’Leary as Harriet, and Victoria Seiffert Temiz as Hettie. With Banchinda Laothai, piano.

Drama that burns and music that sates.